Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Sunday, May 31, 2009

accidentally happens..

*CBS 3725 remuk teruk*
*hati i lagi remuk*

asl bole berlaku accident? seme org tanak pun accident ni. seme org da amik precaution yg tip top utk elakkan mende malang ni berlaku. tp once da berlaku kite takleh nak elak. things happened for a reason. maybe mende ni berlaku atas aku utk ingatkan aku jgn bwk kete laju... tu cth je ye. i ni pemandu berhemah n contoh ekekekekekekeke.

maka pd hari jumaat lpas, 29hb i terlibat dlm accident. rs cm kecik je sbb tak melibatkan sape2 mati o sakit (i tatau laa mamat skuter tu mati ke x skg bcos of internal bleeding ke ape) tp i alhamdullilah takde pape. cume memule blur skejap *_* the story went like this:

i nak masuk simpang lrg umah ni. seriusly mmg xnmpk pn mamat skuter tu. alik2 ms masuk tibe2 muncul ntah dr mane btol2 dpn kete i yg pada kelajuan 60kmj kot. hoho mmg agk laju sb ms tu rush sakit perut akibat hentaman mcm2 makanan kat secret recipe theee~~ gedegang!!! i pn benti kete n tgk mereka dihempap skuter yg gemok (mujur gemok kalo kurus rs da amin...) muke mamat tu da start bengang n start membebel. hello. i xperlukan bebelan u. i tros tgk kat remukan kete myvi i nthen OMG!!! mamposlaaa aku kali ni... huhu. tp ms tu i tak nangis pn. tatau nape. myb sbb i rs bkn slh i kot. die ckp slh i. bole plak kwn die tny i ni lesen P ke ape? ai. tu satu penghinaan!

pastu byk la kete n moto benti tny2. mujur pakcik2 situ tlg i. lg bengang aa mamat tu. lantas dia ckp "pakcik2 kat sini bwt cm die lak teraniaya padahal saya yg teraniaya sini" WTF??? bapak aa kuang ajar mamat ni. parents lu tak ajar ke lu pendidikan sivik?? da ternyata kot penduduk sini bencikan mat rempit. SAYA BENCI MAT REMPIT!!! hahaha (cube teka dr dialog mane). die cm bkn mat rempit tp gaya die bwt i annoyed gile. dari a to z cite psl moto die cmne die nak g keje bla bla bla. da aku ni cmne?? samelaa jugak keadaan dgn ko. patah kaki gak kan?? aih. dlm hati ni mau mencarut jek nthen mintak sape2 tlg bli selofan tape, tape sket mulut die ni.

pastu kwn i dtg, syamil tlg drive kete ke umah sb tgk i ni cm blur n tak berani nak drive. adela pakcik2 ikut nk jumpe mak i to story laa. huhu. pendekkan cite mak i xmrh pn cume pot pet "tulaaaaaaaa...jgn blk maghrib2 tak elok. nasihat mak tanak dgr" wuwuwuw. terkesima skejap. insaf aa skejap. baik mak pasni adik blk atas dr kul8pm :)

nthen abah aku dtg dr poli n said the same thing with my mom. tgk2 kete pastu mamat tu dtg. niat die dr td nak pow aku 100% btolkan skuter die. chantek muka lu mamat. nak kata aku laju ko pun laju rushing ke bdr. kalo tak, kete i takkan remuk begitu rupa. cm langgar lari dgn lembu lak. aih. die pn bertekak dgn abah i. abah i ckp nak settle kat polis je. die tak bg kate ptus pn tp nmpk gaya die tanak. myb road tax mati. takpn lesen mampos. heh. pastu b4 die blah die ckp nak mntk bos die settle. i ni pn tunggu gak smpai pg bute tp takde pn bos nye. ckp berapi bole laa lu mat!!! i still geram dgn die sbb ckp lebat nak mampos tp...

30hb. abah i cl mamat tu namenye wan tp masuk voice mail. pastu dpt tp bile abah ckp nak setel tros tuut tuut. cilakak lu. abah i decide nak lodge report so we went to balai at 4pm. mujur abah has tlg, sarjan mohd. amin tp i cl pakcik je. die laa byk tlg smlm. sng sket. takyah bwt report lg sb nak tunggu mamat tu bwt report. kang i cite lain die lak jujur mati la i. until mlm he's still tak bwt report so i pun g laa balai pas dine with my mom kat sara thai (bole laa plak jumpe abg ngah dgn checkers beliau huhu). i kat sini play safe. even die tak bwt report tp kalo i tipu dlm report tu then mamat tu lak bwt report lain nnt i jugak yg kene. satu keje lak. i pn slamat laa dikenakan kompaun RM300 sb keslhn masuk simpang. redha jelaa duit melyg cmtuh jek tp puas hati laa sbb mamat tu pn kne gak saman sb beliau tak bwt report (PADAN MUKA!!!)...

the lesson here is... ntah i pn tatau. berhati2 di jalan raya, jgn takut kalo mangsa gertak. buat muka steady n plg penting jgn nangis. kamu takkan nangis kalo tak bersalah. bwt hati kering huhuhu. everything is settle now :) skg ni tunggu kete masuk bengkel n of course laa lesen driving i kne tarik dgn my mom. skg bergantung dgn die utk g mane2 sb i tak berani bwk honda die. dahla besau manual lak tu. n mas!!! kamulah harapan aku utk ngedate dgn teman2 :D

sekian kisah tragis i. nnt i update blog lg!!!



may is full with activities

SORRY guys bcos i did't update this blog almost when ah? since i've been sick for more than a week and now i'm fully recover from fever + flu + cough. as usual my activities when i'm going back to my hometown:

1. DATING if i had a bf and since i have one here... :D

2. HANGOUT with friends, bff's

3. DRIVING anywhere in kuantan and being a driver to my mom (where's my paycheck??)

last sunday i went to johor with my friend (skunk hana). she agreed to accompany me bcos she wants to visit her sis in mutiara rini and i want to settle sort of documents to japan in utm. alhamdulillah everything is going well and we went back to kuantan on thursday.

oh yes! i want to tell u something. i'll fly to japan, hiroshima end of this sept as an exchange student in their program "environmental leader training for sustainable Asia" under HU graduate school for 4 month. i'm the only one from malaysia. the rest came from thailand, vietnam and indonesia. this is really big opportunity besides "cuti cuti malaysia" hahaha. wish me luck then!



Friday, May 15, 2009


this entry there has no title post
i just recover from fever & cold
but now i have cough!
when will i fully recover?



Thursday, May 7, 2009

riang ria bersama mereka

masa untuk beronggeng dgn teman-teman seangkatan!!

i g dlm kul6ptg. lmbt sket sb tetdo kepenatan dgn aktiviti dr pg hingga ke tgh hr g kenduri kahwin 2 round. actually 3 round tp i da tak larat. blk umah tros pengsan. huhu. i rs bbq ni all sudden happen. better this way sb org ckp baik xyah plan nnt tak menjd so kite gamble aje. ms i da smpai tu ayam n sosej sudah siap dipanggang smpai rentung (nk bg credit kat sape tukang bakar??) huhu. tp i xmkn sgt. skdr mengalas perut yg tak bp kosong. aih sha. plan diet kamu tak menjd la lately sb byk sgt mkn.

fun! even skejap hang out tp mmg fun. dgn gelak tawa. jokes. ditemani lak panahan rock jiwang takleh blah. mujur takde LAGU CINTA PANTAI MERDEKA tp kne tukar dgn CINTA PANTAI TERUNTUM hahaha ;) dlu ms zmn skolah kat smart, xdenye nak bertego dgn bebudak ni. masing2 punye perangai tp skg laa we're bond to each other. mcm da lame knal. nnt bile da bekeluarga moment ni laa yg kite akan kenangkan smpai bebile.

weh geng!! kalo nak hang out chill out jgn lupe ajk i ni... sha si gossip girl ;)
sini just attached 2 pics taken from my hp jek..

*geng kaki ronggeng*
*i tukang amik pic*

*my bff-s*
*sehati sejiwa*



you all must remember a part of the famous lyrics from Nat King Cole famous song. what is your opinion about love??

when you decide to love, you allow it to grow but when you promise to love, you're refuse to let it go. love is a painful risk to take. only love makes you cry and only love knows why because it hurts to say goodbye to the person you almost gave your life to for knowing that life won't be the same without them but it's better to give up the feeling rather than to know you're the only one fighting. but why do we fall for someone who isn’t really for us? should we blame ourselves for falling with the wrong one? or should we blame the one we fell inlove cause he made us feel that they're the right one.

when you love someone, they become part of you. maybe that is why it hurts so much when you lose someone you love because you lose a part of yourself. some people said the say past is past. we need to move on, to see the future but how can we move on when our past is the only thing we ever wanted in the future? love is a cycle. when you love, you'll get hurt. when you get hurt, you hate. when you hate, you try to forget but when you try to forget, you start missing and when you start missing, eventually you’ll fall in love again. gosh... why?

there are things that you love, but you have to give up. not because you don’t want them anymore but because you realized that they’re not for you. and something better is bound to come along your way, somewhere, someday.



Monday, May 4, 2009

after all under pressure...

*GIS poster*
*thanks to ibrahim for holding it*

at last...
i managed to finish my mini projects.
EIA and GIS.
EIA = environmental impact assessment.
GIS = geographical information system.

2 reports and 1 poster on the submission of 30th april 2009.
credits to nad bcos of that super duper poster.
i hope that we manage to get an A for both of the subjects.
to cover my law papers.


