Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Friday, February 26, 2010

gila gLee

yeah. dah siap khatam Season 1 Part 1. tak sia-sia saya men-download sebelum balik ngehehehe. internet superb...! balik Malaysia nanti T________________________T berukband cipanband streamyx. huk. mujur siap download Supernatural Season 5. gLee sangat best okayy. saya sarankan tolonglaaaaaaa tengok cerita ini. even macam ala-ala High School Musical tapi ini lebih baik. takkan menyampah dengan mana-mana karakter. memang fuuu tatau nak cakap camne ntah. terbaik :)

hari ini hari terakhir saya duduk di sini menikmati internet sumpah sangat heaven sambil update blog. baju berlipat. barang semua atas meja. tinggal nak masuk dalam bagasi haji je. hu. kerja last minit juga kau ni Sha... adeh. saya hendak cerita kronologi perjalanan balik ke Malaysia. if saya boleh survive sorang-sorang di Narita, Insya Allah begitu juga untuk sampai ke Kansai. heeee have faith!

27 Februari 2010

naik bas depan daigaku kaikan, HU

28 Februari 2010

dijangka tiba di OCAT. satu stesen sebelum Osaka Eki. saya kena turun kat sini sambil membawa bagasi haji, beg troli, dan bagpack. gila banyak btol beg. selepas itu harus beli tiket 1000 yen di vending machine untuk shuttle bas ke Kansai kakaou

bas pertama ke Kansai kakaou. bas ada setiap 30 minit. if terlepas boleh naik lagi 640am dan seterusnya. perjalanan bas makan masa 48 minit TEPAT okayy. ini janji nihonjin bukan janji melayu T__________T

sampai di Kansai kakaou. yang penting mandi dulu okayy. cari shower. selepas itu tunggu lagi 3 students Malaysia untuk check in sama-sama ngehehehehehe. selamat di sini jika beg terlebih muatan 20 kg :D fuuhhhhh legaaaaa!

check in time 2 jam sebelum penerbangan

hello Malaysia!
good bye Japan!

sampai di KLIA...
dup dap dup dap...
hahahahahahaha tungguuuuuuuuuu....!

flight to Kuantan bersama Encik Ikhwan

emak abah setia menunggu di ruang tiba huuuuu rindu sangat!!

hehehehe itu saja post untuk hari Sabtu dan Ahad ye kawan-kawan. esok saya pasti busy dengan kerja mengemas segala harta karun di dalam bilik ini dan keluar outing buat terakhir kalinya.

oyasumi nasai



another farewell partayy

hari ini partayy lagi. hihi. farewell partayy. kebetulan bumi Saijo dilimpahi hujan yang cakap tak lebat pun tetapi sejuknya mak ai. teringat lak masa hujan di dai ingatkan hujan batu rupanya hujan salji. hik hik boleh imagine tak camne? salji lak takleh blah besar gila kot saiz dia tapi taklah sakit pun bila terkena. terus cair bila jatuh atas tanah. first experience there so automatik aku jadi jakun (--'')

this is our 2nd time went to this small restaurant. memang superb layanan mesra habis. sensei dan budak lab berhabis 11 000 yen. budak lab terdiri daripada 2 mamat Jepun dan Korea yang baik hati dan student perempuan dari China. memang berbilang kaum kan? saya of course lah free *fuh selamat duit aku hahahahaha* tsk. tambang teksi pun sensei bayar. waaa baik hatinya beliau. macam tetau je aku dah sengkek kat sini T_______T

macam dah jadi tradisi kot mesti ada sashimi. takleh lepas punya. tapi hari ini saya bersemangat waja lak makan sashimi. before this macam tak makan banyak sangat tapi tadi hmm boleh harap jugakla perut kau ni Sha. sashimi itu terdiri daripada daging ikan mentah. lepas makan kita WAJIB makan wasabi sebab nak bunuh mana-mana bakteria yang ada dalam ikan mentah tu. daging memang superb fresh woo.

selepas itu boleh pula makan ebi fry. oh ye ebi tu maknanya udang ngehehehe. gediks nak cakap nihongo. makan bersama dengan nasi jepun. wuuu heaven tu. pastu leh lagi tibai sotong masak pedas. ehe pedas ala-ala Jepun. boleh bayangkan tak pedas tu memang pedas tapi masam? heee sounds weird like? tapi bestlah. sort of kimchi kot. yang mamat Korea tu suka gila kot sebab before this pernah belajar sekejap kat UTM 2 bulan dan favourite dish was tomyam. hee rindu lak makanan pedas tapi tak gemar sangat pedas. just pedas suam-suam je huhuhuhu.

tadi juga saya cuba minuman baru. air bir tanpa alkohol. wujud ek kat Jepun ni? sensei saya cakap boleh minum sebab dia pun minum. saya pun dah tengok botol memang 0% alkohol. nasib baiklah sensei saya tu beragama Islam so macam yakinlah dalam hati ini. dia lak g tuang gelas full tapi I just drink 1 sip dan rasanya.... wekkkkkkkk...! keras! sumpah ini the first and the last aku telan. this drink was 100% made from wheat and add up with carbon dioxide. ala-ala coke lah. huuu. beraninya kau ni Sha... Insya Allah yakin...

sensei bersama mamat Korea
Jeung namanya

ini mamat Jepun
Eric namanya
tutor saya di sini

inilah beer yang saya try tadi

tempura kegemaran!
first time makan capsicum, terung & buah teratai
adeh berasidlah perut pasni

waaa ebi fry
yum yum

dinner untuk malam ini.
okayy kot berhabis 11 000 yen
aka RM 440 lebih kuranglah
huuu mahal gila!

thanks for tonight guys!


dizzy dizzy

layout baru

ohayoo gozaimasu! ceriakan hidup anda pada hari Jumaat ini. heh. sini hujan. terbantut aku hendak pergi ke dai mengambil transkrip result. guane lah result eh? harap-harap A semua. ecehhh tak pepasal sensei bangga dengan saya ngeeee :) hari ini juga sambutan Maulidur Rasul. marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar baginda sentiasa dirahmatiNya dan ditempatkan di tempat yang tertinggi di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan umatNya. amin...

hari ini hari Jumaat eh dah dua kali type. hihi. excited ek nampak? baju sudah saya lipat-lipat. sekejap lagi hendak kemas buku dan my stationary. malam ini selepas partayy aih partayy lagi kau ni Sha heee saya akan berkemas! hendak buat macam mana. di sini aku belajar rakyat Jepun suka bebeno celeb partayy ini (--'') huk. malam ini jangan ada sashimi lagi sudahlah. even saya boleh je telan daging mentah tetapi if without nasi macam tak boleh blah sket if makan banyak-banyak. tapi kalau sushi ngehehehehehe 10 pinggan saya boleh habiskan :D

hujan makin lebat. kalau tidur best ini serius best. sepanjang saya berkampung kat sini 5 bulan, tidak pernah lagi hujan kat sini disertai dengan guruh mahupun ribut petir. sigh. nampak sangat kan kat Malaysia pollution teruk nak mampos. dan lagi satu air hujan kat sini nak telan pun boleh sebab confirm tiada hujan asid hua hua hua tapi kalau kat Malaysia tu sendiri tanggunglah.

okayy lah nak stop melalut. saya sudah tergila-gilakan lagu GLEE. berjaya men-download 2 album GLEE cast dan lagu lama seperti Van Halen - Jump; Queen - Somebody to Love, Don't Stop Believin' dan Police - Don't Stand So Close to Me. huhuhu. saya pasti rindukan internet kat sini sebab memang superb habis. download satu episode drama series pun ambil masa less than 1 hour. waaaa if kat Malaysia T_________T tak perlulah nak cerita. hampa.

tajuk entri lain pengisian lain


GLEE mode

Thursday, February 25, 2010

my birthday gift

say hello to my new AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D

thanks mom!


I can't wait to grab this lens!


photog mode

lagi tiga hari

ini bukan aksi mahu melompat
memang gedik buat aksi sebegini rupa

membaca e-book di hadapan pusat sumber
ceh padahal tengah posing sambil belek Mr. Touch

sedar tidak sedar lagi tiga hari. yes another 3 days I have to spend my time in Japan for the last time. hari ini cuaca bagus. memang rare sebab suhu hari ini dan semalam cecah 17 dan 18 darjah celcius. Kaori san cakap ini macam suhu masa musim bunga. waaaa saya tidak sempat nak merasa para-para sakura dan merasai pesta hanami di taman bunga. huk.

seperti yang sedia maklum saya tidak sempat hendak menghabiskan tesis saya pada semester ini. jadi saya harus drop this subject and I have to take another semester which is short semester. even short semester pun rasa sedikit terbantut gak sebab saya sudah penat actually untuk mendapatkan segulung ijazah sarjana ini. tetapi tuhan sendiri tidak suka orang yang berputus asa jadi saya mesti kuatkan semangat *kau boleh Sha* mujur still boleh grad on time tapi sedang graduan lain mencari kerja, saya masih lagi siapkan tesis... habis semua plan saya sebelum ini. redha jelah. maybe this is the price I have to pay to go to Japan... mujur Encik Ikhwan dan teman rapat menenangkan saya. thanks ^^

selepas mendapat berita tersebut daripada supervisor pagi tadi menerusi email, fikiran saya terus jadi kosong. adeh banyaklah pula kerjanya selepas ini. kena inform Yayasan Pahang lagi. buat surat. selepas itu drop subject manually. mujur ada kawan boleh tolong di UTM. harap-harap tiada masalah. my parent didn't know about this. maybe I will tell them later. when I come back to Malaysia. harap mereka okayy especially abah. maafkan adik jika adik buat abah kecewa... again... adik pun kecewa juga jauh di sudut hati ini T_________T

jadi saya harap esok, hari Khamis saya boleh fokus sedikit pada penambahbaikan literature review saya. mujur supervisor saya terima my paper last 3 weeks. kena add on sedikit dalam literature review. so adalah juga berita gembira untuk saya, right? about the questionnaire pula harus diperbaiki tapi serius buntu mana nak cekau soalan contoh. susahnya nak cari jurnal yang ada sertakan questionnaire :(

esok juga saya harus berkemas sedikit. lipat baju masuk dalam beg haji. serius besar okayy beg saya tu. mujur tidak berat harap-haraplah sebab limit 20 kg saja nanti huhuhu. saya harap saya selamat sampai ke Kansai Airport, Osaka seorang diri sepertimana saya berjaya datang ke sini seorang diri sahaja. huhuhu bangga lak rasa. satu pencapaian yang saya rasa ehem ehem :D serius kau aku rasa macam rusa masuk kampung apabila tiba di Narita Airport, Tokyo. ikut je ek bontot orang pergi mana kah kah kah. takpe. itu pengalaman hebat.

sampai di sini saja update. selepas ini mahu melihat drama series GLEE episod 10. hahaha tadi tengok tup tup tidur lak depan lappie. serius cerita ini best so harus wajib lihat okayy?


un-identical mode

how the men and women found peace

the men and women lived together in peace because they were able to respect their differences. men learned to respect that women needed to talk to feel better. even if he didn't have much to say, he learned that by listening he could be more supportive. the women learned to respect that men needed to withdraw to cope with stress. the cave was no longer a great mystery or cause for alarm.

"What the Men Learned"

the men realized that even when they felt they were being attacked, blamed, or criticized by the women it was only temporary; soon the women would suddenly feel better and be very appreciative and accepting. by learning to listen, the men discovered how much the women really thrived on talking about problems.

each men found peace of mind when he finally understood that a woman's need to talk about her problems was not because he was failing her in some way. in addition he learned that once woman feels heard she stops dwelling on her problems and becomes very positive. with this awareness, a man was able to listen without feeling responsible for solving all her problems.

many men and even women are very judgemental of the need to talk about problems because they never experienced how healing it can be. they have not seen how a woman who feels heard suddenly can change, feel better, and sustain a positive attitude. generally they have not seen how a woman (probably their mother) who did not feel heard continued to dwell on her problems. this happens to women when they do not feel loved or heard over an extended period of time. the real problem, however, is that she feels unloved, not that she is talking about problems.

after the men learned how to listen they made a most amazing discovery. they began to realize that listening to a woman talk about problems could actually help them come out of their caves in the same way as watching the news on TV or reading a newspaper.

similarly, as men learn to listen without feeling blamed or responsible, listening becomes much easier. as a man gets good at listening, he realizes that listening can be an excellent way to forget the problems of his day as well as bring a lot of fulfillment to his partner. but on days when he is really stressed he may need to be in his cave and slowly come out by some other distraction, like the news or a competitive sport.

"What the Women Learned"

the women also found peace of mind when they are finally understood that a man going into his cave was not a sign that he didn't love her as much. they learned accepting of him at these times because he was experiencing a lot of stress.

the women were not offended when men were easily distracted. when a woman talked and a man became distracted, she would very politely stop talking, stand there, and wait for him to notice. then she would begin talking again. she understood that sometimes it was hard for him to give his full attention. the women discovered that by asking for the men's attention in a relaxed and accepting manner the women were happy to redirect their attention.

when the men were completely preoccupied and in their caves, the women also did not take it personally. they learned that this was not the time to have intimate conversation but a time to talk about problems with their friends or have fun or go shopping. when the men thereby felt loved and accepted, the women discovered that the men would more quickly come out of their caves.

[adapted from Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray, Ph.D]


love is not complicated actually...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


"We have to sacrifice to get something better than before"
-Nurul Shahirawati binti Mohamed Rosli

"You Can't Always Get What You Want"
-Rolling Stone

I just received email from my supervisor in UTM. he said the last date for viva is on 20th of March 2010 so I can't make it; which is mean I can't finish my thesis on time; which is mean I have to extend this semester; which is mean I have to take another semester to finish my master project; which is mean I have to drop this subject for this semester; which is mean I...

don't know what to say at this moment...



my last goodbye

definitely they are people I will be missing

here in Japan

we shared our laughs, tears & joys together

for the past this 5 months


friendship 'till the end

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

GELs farewell party

Event: GELs Farewell Party
Venue: West Welfare Centre, HU
Time: 500 - 700 pm

Boys Over Flower
Hiroshima University

with one of the sensei

or kanpai?
which one?








with them after the party

a lot of sashimi

finished already

guest from JICA and sensei

sensei in IDEC

this is what I am waiting for the past 5 months



just eat and say goodbye

another 4 days to go and spend my time here in Japan. so for today, after we have finished closing our bank account *oh yeah I'm the poor student among them* hahahaha. takpe Sha balik Malaysia nanti kau jadi kaya raya balik *wink wink* we organized last farewell partayy among us and invited kawaii desu Kaori san even she is working at that time. thank you for coming. after that, as usual we karaoke-ing :) :) :) by tomorrow 5 of these students will go to Tokyo for study trip and conference. I will missed them a lot for sure. tomorrow is our last chance to meet in the breakfast. sobs. rindu.

Kaori san
kawaii desu

eat eat eat
fat fat fat

souvenirs from Thailand
I totally forgot to buy any souvenir from Malaysia

souvenir from Vietnam
pink is mine!

happy being together for the past 5 months here
may this relationship long lasting forever


last farewell